B2B Healthcare Marketing Services

B2B marketing can help healthcare organizations increase referrals, brand awareness, reputation scores and U.S. News rankings. As a leading B2B healthcare marketing agency, Message Lab has an in-house team that specializes in B2B healthcare marketing services and has worked with health systems nationwide. Whether you need an overarching U.S. News campaign or a one-off article to support service line marketing, we can leverage our years of experience to get the best results.

What is B2B Healthcare Content Marketing?

Content marketing uses different types of content (articles, videos, podcasts etc.) to engage specific audiences and get them to choose your brand. B2B healthcare content marketing is aimed at physicians and other providers. It’s an increasingly valuable way to capture their attention and teach them about what sets your healthcare system apart. This can inspire them to refer to you, vote for you in U.S. News and consider working for you. Many leading health systems have launched B2B content marketing campaigns in recent years, partly because traditional physician liaison outreach is getting less effective.

Our B2B Healthcare Content
Marketing Services

Message Lab is home to a full-service B2B healthcare marketing team. We’ve spent years helping health systems develop B2B healthcare marketing strategies and creating content to support them. This has helped our clients increase referrals, brand awareness, reputation scores and U.S. News rankings.

We offer:

B2B Healthcare Content Strategy:

When you start planning a B2B healthcare marketing campaign, you’ll run into questions like:
  • How do you align your B2B marketing goals with your service line business goals and your overall marketing/communications strategy?
  • What kind of marketing do doctors read? What will they watch or listen to? 
  • Is Doximity worth the investment?
  • Do you need a section of your website for providers?
We’ve learned answers to these questions through our years of experience. We can help you map out a strategy that gets the best possible results and makes the most of your marketing dollars.

B2B Healthcare Content Planning:

If you want to engage physicians, you can’t rest on old-fashioned promotional content that tells them how great you are – you need to catch their attention and add value to their practice. This means coming up with ideas and angles that get them to read, watch or listen to what you’re sending them. And these ideas have to align with what sets you apart.

We have years of data that shows which content performs well, across service lines. We use this knowledge to help you generate ideas that get doctors to pay attention.

B2B Healthcare Content Creation:

B2B healthcare content doesn’t have to sound like a medical journal. But it needs to reflect a higher level of knowledge than other content and it needs to make sense to doctors. Our B2B healthcare writers have more technical education and experience than traditional healthcare copywriters – many of our team members have science PhDs and/or advanced degrees in science writing. We know which questions to ask your doctors and how to create content that resonates with their peers. We use that expertise to write things like Doximity articles, referral guides and outcomes books – and to guide video producers and podcast creators.

Why Clients Choose Us for B2B Healthcare Marketing

“Your work on our B2B content has been a dream. I’ve been extremely impressed with the interviews and our physicians have proactively said the same thing to me – the writers are prepared, have done their research and have thoughtful questions. Your team has also been a gem on the project management side. I am truly so grateful to you for keeping us all on track – I literally could not have kept this project moving on my own. Thank you!”
– Atrium Health

Get Started with Our B2B Healthcare Marketing Services

Do you want to learn more? We’ll start with a call with our Founder Justin Matlick and other members of our leadership team. We’ll learn about your business goals and service lines, and trade ideas about how B2B healthcare content marketing could help you.

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